Narrogin Gliding Club (NGC) Historical Photos

Narrogin Gliding Club (NGC) Historical Photos

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[h0001] New construction, December 1999.

[h0002] New construction, December 1999.

[h0003] IKR Form 2 at Cannington, 2000.

[h0004] Wave camp, 2000.

[h0005] Wave camp, 2000.

[h0006] Wave camp, 2000.

[h0007] Greenwood High School visit, 2001.

[h0008] Greenwood High School visit, 2001.

[h0009] Amarndo Rubiano at the Greenwood High School visit, 2001.

[h0010] Greenwood High School visit, 2001.

[h0011] Humphy Leach at the Greenwood High School visit, 2001.

[h0012] Phil Schembew, Ab-Initio of the year, 2001.

[h0013] New toilet block, Feb. 2001. Surveyor General Dave Harris, side kick Cliff Holdom.

[h0014] New toilet block, Feb. 2001.

[h0015] New toilet block, Feb. 2001.

[h0016] Brass Fwurst, winter 2001.

[h0017] Brass Fwurst, winter 2001.

[h0018] Brass Fwurst, winter 2001.

[h0019] Brass Fwurst, winter 2001.

[h0020] Brass Fwurst, winter 2001.

[h0021] Brass Fwurst, winter 2001.

[h0022] Brass Fwurst, winter 2001.

[h0023] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0024] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0025] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0026] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0027] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0028] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0029] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0030] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0031] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0032] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0033] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0034] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0035] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0036] Wave camp, 2001. Refueling for the flight back to Narrogin.

[h0037] Wave camp, 2001. Refueling for the flight back to Narrogin.

[h0038] Wave camp, 2001.

[h0039] Presentations, 2001.

[h0040] Presentations, 2001.

[h0041] Presentations, 2001.

[h0042] Presentations, 2001.

[h0043] 19 in a bloody good thermal, Nats. Cunderdin.

[h0044] Early days at the club house. In this photo, from left to right, are unknown, Dennis Gorton, Wally Williams and Athol Caddy.

[h0045] Early briefing. Stuart Ferguson Giving weather report at comps. Dennis Gorton was Director, Gus Knudsen (white hat) circa 1974 / 1975.

[h0046] Competition briefing at Cunderdin. In this photo, from left to right, are Graham Clinton (GCWA), Arthur Tooker, Bryan Blackburn, Gary White, unknown, and unknown.

[h0047] Competition briefing at Cunderdin. In this photo, from near to far, are Gary White, Bryan Blackburn and unknown.

[h0048] Briefing at comps, late 1970s (1979?).

[h0049] Early briefing given by Charlie Stone, circa 1974.

[h0050] Comps. at Narrogin, 1976.

[h0051] Comps. at Narrogin, 1976.

[h0052] Comps. at Narrogin, 1976.

[h0053] Comps. at Narrogin, 1976.

[h0054] Comps. at Narrogin, 1976. The Auster is VH-KBU, NGC's second tug.

[h0055] Comps. at Narrogin, 1976.

[h0056] Cirrus, GZU. The pilot is Stuart Ferguson.

[h0057] Comps. at Narrogin, year unknown.

[h0058] Comps. at Narrogin, 1976?

[h0059] The late Len Armour, 1976 Comps. at Narrogin. Two seater class, Blanik, GXQ.

[h0060] Blanik, date unknown.

[h0061] Granau Baby after repair by Jack Dewhurst. In his backyard at Rossmoyne

[h0062] Dave Woodward with his Boomerang, VH-GPM.

[h0063] Boomerang.

[h0064] NGC's ES KA6, VH-GNN 1972.

[h0065] Syndicate Pilatus B4, VH-GIE, 1974.

[h0081] Syndicate Pilatus B4, VH-GIE, 1974.

[h0078] Comps., Cunderdin, 1978.

[h0079] Geoff Terrel's Corbi, Rob Ozanne, Hal Sutton and Dennis Gorton's Kingfisher VH-GLB Kingfisher, and Blanik, 1972.

[h0080] Cirrus, GZU.

[h0066] Dennis Gorton, Athol Candy and Alan Hockridge with a Slinsby Dart 15 T51, VH-GTQ.

[h0067] Hal Sutton, Charlie Stone.

[h0068] Ross Weston, 1978.

[h0069] Dave Collet, Blanik GXQ, 1976.

[h0070] Dave, Open Cirrus.

[h0071] Ross Knight in the back seat during the flight when he and Dennis Gorton set the W.A. two seat height record (19500 feet), 28/August/1980.

[h0072] Santa and Michael Porter, David Mc., and three McFarlane children.

[h0073] Dick Sasse of Morowa, with his PIK 20 D at Narrogin during state comps., Jan 1988. Standing in front of the plane is Gus Knudsen.

[h0074] Dennis Gorton and others at the club house, 1976.

[h0075] Apron area, 1976.

[h0076] Charlie Stone, 1976. Charlie Stone, along with Gary White, John Bowles and Robin Ozanne, was an active member of the club early in its history.

[h0077] Diane Edwards with a Club Libelle.

[h0082] Cross Country Course, November 1987.

[h0083] In this photo (from left to right) the late Bob Clapin, Avan Furphy in the plane and Erwin Lackner. Bob's widow gave the Instructor's Trophy in his memory.





[h0088] Hans Werner Grosse arriving at Narrogin from Mt. Newman, February 1990, after a record cross country flight.

[h0089] Hans Werner Grosse arriving at Narrogin from Mt. Newman, February 1990, after a record cross country flight.

[h0090] Hans and Karin Werner Grosse at Narrogin, February 1990. Derek Terwey in (blue shirt) stands by.

[h0091] Han Werner Grosse's glider at Narrogin, February 1990.

[h0092] Han Werner Grosse's glider at Narrogin, February 1990.

[h0093] Han Werner Grosse's glider at Narrogin, February 1990.



[h0096] Stuart Ferguson, Atthol Caddy, Bev Ferguson, and unknow, 1981.

[h0097] Dennis Gorton and unknown, 1981.

[h0098] VH-AAE, NGC's 1st tug, 1981. Peter Mckenzie has just swung the Yellow Bird's prop.

[h0099] Gary White in his ASW20, 1981.

[h0100] Mim Minty and Ross Knight, 1981.

[h0101] Dennis Gorton leaning on the cockpit of VH-IKQ, 1981.

[h0102] Diane Edwards in VH-GMI Club Libelle, 1981.

[h0103] Stuart Ferguson in Standard Libelle VH-GZS, 1981.

[h0104] 1981.

[h0105] Gary White in ASW20 and Dennis Gorton in the white hat, 1981.

[h0106] Claire Macfarlane? or Marie Stayt? and Claire Weston, 1981.

[h0107] Mim Minty, Ross Knight, Dennis Gorton. alongside syndicate Twin Astir VH-IKL 1981.


































[h0141] In this photo (from left to right) Tom and Marie Stayt, Stuart Ferguson, Claudia Blackburn and Roger Vaile (seated by the door).


[h0143] In this photo (from left to right) Peter Fauser?, Owen Jones?, Bryan Blackburn, Tom and Marie Stayt.




[h0147] Claudia Blackburn provides welcome shade.


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